Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Antique Party

The Style Sage was chatting with a colleague, earlier today. I happened to overhear the conversation of the pending plans for the weekend. The colleague is attending a birthday party. Oooooooo la la! What fun!? It was apparent that The SS just had to know the details of this fabulous gala. Um, like.... let's just say....The SS was not expecting to hear about a birthday party, beginning at 8:30 am edt on a Saturday. The age group of the attendee's will be between 75-85 years old. I giggled to myself, as I heard The SS say, "Oh, an Antique Party."

It was amazing to hear The SS in action, as I noticed the pondering and wondering about this pending event. The SS stated, "An Antique Party, this could be me, one day? Antiques are treasured, cherished, sought after and priceless. Throw me a party and do it with style! Leather and lace, curly and straight, flared and skinny, long and mini, black and white, full and tight, updo's and pulled back, a little swagger or off-track, rich and poor, less or more, quiet and loud, humble and proud."

It was obvious to me that The SS had the event all planned. The SS's Antique Party would most definitely be a stylish occassion. I felt honored to be in the presence of such greatness and the digital recorder was certainly a true positive.

**The Style Sage takes the Stage. The SS brings you updates related to fashion, beauty, people, home decor, art, music, life and all things stylish.**

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